July 30, 2015
The designs for the mixed-use development to rise at 1300 Fourth Street (a.k.a. Mission Bay Block 6 East), with 142 affordable apartments and a mangers unit over a series of ground-floor commercial spaces fronting Fourth Street, have been refined and newly rendered.

1300 4th Street Rendering: China Basin
Up to five additional retail spaces will line the ground floor of the development along Fourth Street.
A mews with 12 townhomes and 10 flats facing a mid-block walkway between Mission Bay Boulevard and China Basin will rise up to three stories along the western edge of the development.
1300 4th Street Rendering - Mid-Block
The Tenderloin Neighborhood Development Group (TDNC) will manage the 143 units which will range in size from around 600 square feet for a one-bedroom to 1,300 square feet for the largest three-bedroom and be made available to households earning up to 50% of the Area Median Income (AMI). The building will provide and 24-hour property management and supportive services for residents, including after school activities and other programming for youth. Twenty percent of the apartments will be designated for formerly homeless families.
The projected budget for the development, which also includes 41 off-street parking spaces, parking for 136 bicycles, and a number of open courtyards, but doesn’t account for the value of the land, is around $76 million.
The project team currently plans to start construction in late spring 2016, with occupancy slated for around the end of 2017.
Articles and photos sourced from www.socketsite.com