Median Selling Price - Single Family Residences
The price survey chart shows the median selling price of SFRs over the last 120 days for neighborhoods where this type of housing is common. Some neighborhoods are composed of mainly single family homes while others are mainly condos. Many neighborhoods have a mix of both and appear on the SFR and Condo version of this chart. Individual home prices vary within all neighborhoods depending on the size and condition of each property. In San Francisco, prices are also affected by views and location within the neighborhood.
Median Selling Price - Condos
The price survey chart shows the median selling price of Condos over the last 120 days for neighborhoods where this type of housing is common. Some neighborhoods are composed of mainly single family homes while others are mainly condos. Many neighborhoods have a mix of both and appear on the SFR and Condo version of this chart. Many neighborhoods have a low monthly unit sales volume. The median price can be affected by the mixture (size and condition) of properties sold within the 120 day measurement window. To see the monthly and quarterly volume figures, refer to the Statistics page for each neighborhood website. To see the details of the individual properties sold, go to the Comps page and select the neighborhood and other property criteria you are interested in.
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Housing Stock Overflow
This breaks down All SF property sales over the last 12months into major categories. It only considers residential properties with 4-units or less. Commercial properties, 5+ Unit Multi Family homes and vacant lots are not considered. The purpose of this slide is to provide a basic outline of the mix of residential properties sold within All SF.