Monday, October 21, 2013

Couch-crashing in S.F. will cost you $1,075 a month

If ever you need reminders that San Francisco is the most jacked-up rental market in the U.S., peruse the city’s Craigslist ads.

A woman looking for someone to share her 600-square-foot studio posted an offer on the classifieds site to sublet her couch for $1,075 a month with $1,500 down – as long as the new roomie brings her own sleeping bag.
While the price may shock most of the nation, it’s pretty much the going rate for a studio share in S.F., where the median rent for a two-bedroom in the Mission or Potrero Hill takes five minimum-wage jobs to afford. And remember, that’s based on the city’s minimum wage rate of $10.55 an hour.

The place offered here rocks a walk-in closet (or second bedroom?), skyline view and prime location at Laguna and Market, which means the going rate for the entire place is probably upward of $2,000 a month.
The couch-rent ad may have triggered incredulity, but it’s still a better deal than this curbside abode. And it’s way less cutthroat than this name-your-price listing for a pad in Hayes Valley.

h/t Jezebel
Find Jennifer Wadsworth on Twitter at @jennwadsworth.

Article & photo sourced from:  sfgate